27 Peculiar Images With No Context Given

Photography is absolutely a form of art. It is a skill that takes time to develop and not everyone has the knack for it. While most people think of beautiful portraits and wildlife photography when they think of photos as art, photos also exist in a more abstract form. When taken out of context, photos go from making sense and being clear to being something extravagant and maybe a little confusing. There are many photos to be seen out there that just don't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe they are taken in an unknown spot, they contain events that can't really be explained or the things in them just seem… odd. This is a true work of art that leaves a lot to be answered.
Reddit's very peculiar subreddit /r/hmmm is the art gallery of weird Internet photos. This subreddit will confuse many people, it will leave people with questions and it will leave a lot unsaid. Nevertheless, there's tons on there to see, it is a never-ending gallery of strange content. Here are just 27 of those peculiar sights to see.