
27 Peculiarly Worn-Down Items

Two images from /r/wellworn
Two images from /r/wellworn

Published January 14, 2025

Published January 14, 2025

Time takes its toll on everyone and everything. Everything changes over time. This is just a fact of life, albeit a kind of sad one. A lot of the time, many of these changes happen so slowly that no one realizes them until they have reached a point of no return. The changes are there, though; it's only when someone sees something new that the realization hits. It's cool to see how things change from wear and usage.

Everything from the obvious things like shoes and hats from the more peculiar things like staircases and keys wear down with time. All it takes is a little bit of observation to see just how much time changes things. Look around for the more commonly used items in life and see how time works.

Here are 27 images of how commonly used objects have changed over time. Some of these might be kind of surprising to see.

New and old headlights

(Source: Reddit)

A cat's favourite toy

(Source: Reddit)

This latch

(Source: Reddit)

Jeans found in a field

(Source: Reddit)

Bar stool in a snooker club

(Source: Reddit)

New and old hat

(Source: Reddit)

Still some life left

(Source: Reddit)

This well-used knife and sharpening stone

(Source: Reddit)

SIM card keychain

(Source: Reddit)

Used daily for 5 years

(Source: Reddit)

7-year-old keychain

(Source: Reddit)

This worn car key

(Source: Reddit)

An aged pillow

(Source: Reddit)

Notebooks over time

(Source: Reddit)

Years of daily use

(Source: Reddit)

Soap has corroded it

(Source: Reddit)

Wear at airport security

(Source: Reddit)

The buttons are gone

(Source: Reddit)

A very used knife

(Source: Reddit)

Retail counter

(Source: Reddit)

Old and new wallet

(Source: Reddit)

Worn down steps

(Source: Reddit)

This door handle

(Source: Reddit)

New and old drill

(Source: Reddit)

Trash can negative space

(Source: Reddit)

So worn in

(Source: Reddit)

Lots of water has been drank

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: well worn, /r/wellworn, mildly interesting, reddit, /r/mildlyinteresting, hmmm, cool images, things worn down, interesting, history,