
27 People Failing At Their Simple Tasks

Two images from /r/onejob
Two images from /r/onejob

Published October 25, 2024

Published October 25, 2024

It's always funny to see the aftermath of someone failing at something. Maybe not for them, but for the rest of the world, it sure is. Everyone has had a bad day at work before and made mistakes that were just dumb. It's always frustrating making a mistake and having to go back and fix it. It's worse for people whose mistakes are out in public, though. Most people can get away with their mistakes, but for others, like those who work in signage or construction, their mistakes go further.

Sometimes, it seems like the simplest of tasks that go terribly wrong. How could someone mess up something so small? It does happen, though, and when it does, it gets posted to Reddit's /r/onejob. This subreddit is full of silly mistakes made by people who really only had one job to do. Here are 27 of their fails that might make someone feel better about their own mistakes.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The hooks are upside down

(Source: Reddit)

Silly Amazon

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Definitely not a camouflaged speaker

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Not working too well

(Source: Reddit)

The attachment paradox

(Source: Reddit)

Delivered to the bin

(Source: Reddit)

It was right there

(Source: Reddit)

Or not

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Two, second floor buttons

(Source: Reddit)

How unfortunate

(Source: Reddit)

To slice a bagel in half…

(Source: Reddit)

Now what?

(Source: Reddit)

Bikes? Pedestrians?

(Source: Reddit)

Which day is it?

(Source: Reddit)

Someone explain

(Source: Reddit)

Reasonable spot for a crosswalk

(Source: Reddit)

Well, which is it?

(Source: Reddit)

Uh oh.. oh God

(Source: Reddit)

That's just annoying

(Source: Reddit)

Filler text

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Time travel is real

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/onejob, you had one job, one job, fail, job fails, mildly infuriating, facepalm, diy fails, /r/facepalm, embarrassing, job fail, people being jerks, signs, funny signs, typos, puzzles, hmmm, /r/hmmm, interesting, failure, collections,