27 'Profound' Posts That Might Make You Cringe

There is an interesting kind of post online that is only enjoyed by young teens and elders, strangely. There is a certain genre of image and meme out there that is meant to be super deep and inspirational… but is actually pretty cringe. Everyone has seen them before; they are those comics or images with a "deep" quote or inspiring message that attempt to get some sort of life-changing message across. They might seem like they are making a point at first, but upon further contemplation, they're honestly really shallow.
These memes try to say something about society or people as a whole, but they just end up spouting false narratives and out-of-touch ideas. There really are only a few people who find this kind of content thrilling, but it's enough to have them circulate the web. Reddit's sarcastically titled subreddit, /r/im14andthisisdeep, is a subreddit made for sharing all of these kinds of posts. To truly understand what these people are trying to say, here are 27 "deep" posts making some people think.