
26 Silly Cats And Kittens Caught Going 'Goblin Mode'

Two images of silly cats from the collection.
Two images of silly cats from the collection.

Published November 26, 2024

Published November 26, 2024

We love them, we feed them, we clean their toilets and give them a warm home … and what do these so-called "pets" repay us with? The dastardly fluffballs just do whatever they want, zooming and jumping and scratching and biting through the house interior on their quest for a great adventure, getting themselves in all sorts of stupid situations as they enter the so-called "goblin mode."

But being a little silly is an essential part of every cat's nature, and, be honest, you wouldn't want it to be otherwise. Because your part of this bargain is getting a hearty laugh whenever your beloved cat gets itself stuck in a card box for the third time this week, so take a photograph next time it happens and share it online, and you might just find your fluffy baby in one of these collections some day.

In A Sticky Situation

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Sinner Spotted

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What Mockery Is This

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I Know What's On His Mind

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This Is Cats' Turf

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Perfect Spot For Daydreaming

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Orange Ninja

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The Dog Did It

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He Saw A Bird And Flipped It

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If It Fits, It Sits

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Accidental Renaissance

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Psycho Killer On The Loose!

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Gravity? Never Heard Of It

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Awww, He's Just Experienced His First Thought

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A Natural-Born Gremlin

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Drip For Two

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I'm Going To Be A Mom?

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Her Punching Paw

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Git Gud, Human

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It's Her Bed After All

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Alert Mode 24/7

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The Goblin Filter

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Ben Affleck's Fursona

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Finally A Good Stretch

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Tags: cats, silly cats, cat memes, tiger, ben affleck, animals, pets,