
27 Strange Products And Inventions That Really Do Exist

Two images from /r/ofcoursethatsathing
Two images from /r/ofcoursethatsathing

Published October 30, 2024

Published October 30, 2024

Everyone wants to be the person to create the next best thing. With all of the people and companies out there making new things all the time, it might be easy to think that everything has been done by now. Surely, every gadget has been thought of and sold by now. Every snack and flavor combination has likely been done. Sometimes, the world and the people in it are full of surprises, though. Every once in a while, a truly new and original product or experience comes out that has people a little bewildered.

It's hard to say whether some of these products were truly needed or not, but hey, there's something out there for everyone now. For all of the latest gadgets and strange food products out there, Reddit's /r/ofcoursethatsathing has them all. Users share all kinds of strange and sometimes confusing products on this subreddit. Maybe someone will find just what they have always been looking for.

It's not mold

(Source: Reddit)

Kinda creepy?

(Source: X)

That'd be shocking

(Source: X)

That seems like false advertising

(Source: Reddit)

That's pretty cool

(Source: X)

Is this true?

(Source: X)

I'd try it

(Source: Reddit)

Of course they are

(Source: X)

Enough is enough

(Source: Redd)


(Source: X)

Dog Crocs, and matching ones

(Source: Reddit)

That's kind of genius

(Source: X)


(Source: Reddit)

McDonald's Crocs

(Source: Reddit)

What a icon

(Source: X)

And it's pretty

(Source: X)

Did the world need this?

(Source: Reddit)

Root beer float with root beet sauce?

(Source: Reddit)

Need that

(Source: X)

A true necessity

(Source: X)


(Source: X)

Seems reasonable

(Source: X)

Uh, okay

(Source: X)

No thanks

(Source: X)

Just put the phone down

(Source: X)

The best of both worlds

(Source: X)

That's trippy

(Source: X)

Tags: of course that's a thing, /r/ofcoursethatsathing, yup that exists, interesting products, mildly interesting, hmmm, odd products, inventions, weird products, food, stupid food, gross, cars, barbie, expectation vs reality, walmart, cringe, collections,