
27 Terrible Memes Found On Facebook

Two images from /r/terriblefacebookmemes
Two images from /r/terriblefacebookmemes

Published November 12, 2024

Published November 12, 2024

Everyone knows that not all memes are made equally. Some memes will be better than others, naturally. While everyone has a different sense of humor and a different taste in memes, some memes are just objectively bad. The things some people find funny, especially some Baby Boomers, are out-of-touch, cringeworthy, and just not true.

Facebook seems to be a breeding ground for these kinds of cringeworthy, terrible memes. This is likely because of the specific demographic on there, but that's another story. As terrible as these memes are, it's always fun to see just how much of a disaster they are. For all of the worst memes out there, Reddit's /r/terriblefacebookmemes has plenty. This subreddit allows users to take all of the most cringe memes they find being shared by their weird family members on Facebook so that everyone can be appalled by them. Here are 27 that are truly horribly made.

Facebook special

(Source: Reddit)

Dang vegans

(Source: Reddit)

Needs more emojis

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So funny

(Source: Reddit)

The selfies.. they're taking over

(Source: Reddit)

This is foul

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Cannot trust wife

(Source: Reddit)

Take that, science

(Source: Reddit)

I don't remember this scene

(Source: Reddit)

How does one choose?

(Source: Reddit)

So hilarious

(Source: Reddit)

This is weird

(Source: Reddit)

Still on the minion thing?

(Source: Reddit)

Shaking right now

(Source: Reddit)

Only legends understand

(Source: Reddit)

Back in the day…

(Source: Reddit)

Think harder

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

More women bad

(Source: Reddit)

Dumb kids…

(Source: Reddit)

Just marriage things

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What is this trying to say?

(Source: Reddit)

Crying with laughter

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: terrible facebook memes, /r/terriblefacebookmemes, memes, bad memes, boomer memes, cringe, cringe memes, cringeworthy memes, facebook, vegan, facebook memes, facebook meme, cringe meme, cringeworthy meme, facepalm, /r/facepalm, collections,