27 Wacky Haircuts That Must've Been Mistakes

A haircut or style means a lot to some folks. Hair is something that makes a bold first impression on people, it gives them something to remember a person by. Some people like to dye their hair funky colors, some people put a lot of work into making it shiny or straight, and some people spend hours working on perfecting their curls. Hair really can make or break someone's look, so it's important for folks to take care of themselves and their hair, if that is something they care about. Not everyone does, though.
Maybe it was a mistake at the salon, or maybe that's just what they like- no judging here, but some people have some wacky haircuts. Some surely were barbershop accidents and others might just be works of art gone a little insane. What some people choose to do with their hair is their business, but it makes for some great entertainment for others.
Here are 27 silly, bold, or just plain bad haircuts people spotted in the wild on top of people's heads. These haircuts are wacky enough that the person who spotted them thought that everyone else online should see them too, so they are pretty wild.