28 Bad Tattoo Designs That Are Permanent Mistakes

The big thing about tattoos is that they're permanent. It's pretty common knowledge that tattoos are forever, but some people don't seem to take that seriously. Lots of people get tattoos for different reasons. Some people get them as memorial pieces for people, places, pets, or things. Some people get them to show off some creativity and personality to boost their confidence. Other people get them for no reason at all.
No matter what the reason for a tattoo is, at the very least, it should be well done. A bad design, a bad artist, or a lethal combination of the two can turn a potentially good tattoo into an absolute nightmare. There is a surprising amount of tattoo fails out there and many of them can be found on Reddit. Reddit has several subreddits filled with the worst tattoos imaginable, here are just 28 of them that these people probably regret.