28 Brand New Sentences We've Never Read Before

With all of the people in the world typing and talking all day long, it's hard to imagine there's anything left to say. Surely by now all of the original content has been taken and there is nothing new out there. Sometimes, though, the general public is full of surprises and every now and then someone says something that is truly original. The way some people's minds work is incredible. They can come up with a string of words that create the most heinous or confusing sentence ever seen.
These sentences could be found anywhere. They could be headlines for news articles, they could be cursed comments or rare insults. The one thing they all have in common is that they are bizarre. Reddit's /r/brandnewsentence is a subreddit that features thousands of sentences and phrases we have never heard before. They are puzzling and strange and definitely worth reading. Here are just 28 of them that'll get you thinking today.