
28 Funny But Sad Memes And Tweets That Are Too Real

Two images from /r/funnyandsad
Two images from /r/funnyandsad

Published September 03, 2024

Published September 03, 2024

Times are tough these days. Everyone seems to struggle to get by in one way or another. While that sentiment might be kind of depressing, knowing that everyone is going through it makes it feel not so bad. The world is a little weird right now, maybe it always has been, but one of the better ways to get through it is through memes. Memes make the world a better place. They take normal or sometimes even bad things and twist them into something to laugh about, it's kind of a dark process. Are these the kinds of things we should be joking about? Probably not.

Humor is a solid coping mechanism, so we might as well. These memes might be about world problems, personal problems, or other devastating news. Reddit's /r/funnyandsad is a subreddit that features all kinds of memes that are both, well, funny and sad. They are memes about the darker parts of life but they serve as a good reminder that no one is alone. Here are 28 memes that are both funny and sad to laugh or cry about today.

They have a point

(Source: Reddit)

No chill

(Source: Reddit)

Two days is not enough

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tough times

(Source: Reddit)

America, yeah

(Source: Reddit)

Wait a second…

(Source: Reddit)

The job market is rough

(Source: Reddit)

They are not equal

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Key word is almost

(Source: Reddit)

Like, a whole house

(Source: Reddit)

Still don't know

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, LinkedIn motivation

(Source: Reddit)

Can't take it back now

(Source: Reddit)

Cue the confused applause

(Source: Reddit)

A billion is like, a lot

(Source: Reddit)

Perhaps it's time for a third job

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I don't blame him

(Source: Reddit)

It's so much fun

(Source: Reddit)

Hot take!

(Source: Reddit)

It's just a headache preventative

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds about right

(Source: Reddit)

A song about the past

(Source: Reddit)

The humble room

(Source: Reddit)

Nothing to worry about

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/funnyandsad, funny and sad, memes, sad memes, funny and sad memes, me irl, relatable memes, housing, cringe, comedy cemetery, work, weekends, twitter, america, usa, healthcare, jobs, school, education, linkedin, boomers, collections,