28 Funny Signs That Inform And Entertain
There isn't anything that can brighten up the day quite like seeing a ridiculous sign in public. Usually, signs and advertisements are boring, so it's always a nice surprise to see one that has a joke in it or has been changed in some silly way. Signs are necessary for many reasons, such as to advertise things, to inform people, and to warn people, but let's face it, they are eyesores. So why not change the vibe of a sign with a joke? Adding humor to something makes people pay attention to it more anyway, so honestly it's a win-win kind of situation.
Funny signs can be found anywhere. They can be store signs, church signs or even road signs. One place where they are guaranteed to be found, though, is Reddit's /r/funnysigns. This subreddit features all of the funniest signs users have found in the wild so everyone can enjoy them. Here are 28 perfectly made signs that people will actually be paying attention to.