
28 Mildly Interesting Things To Enjoy On Your Lunch Break

Two images from /r/mildlyinteresting
Two images from /r/mildlyinteresting

Published November 04, 2024

Published November 04, 2024

Sometimes, life is all about the small things. It's easy to overlook the little things in life because everyone focuses on the big things. The little things in life matter, too, and sometimes they are super cool. All it takes is standing back and observing for a moment to find something truly interesting. It could be a cool plant or animal, it could be some new piece of technology, it could be some forgotten history, or it could be so much more.

Mildly interesting things are everywhere, and they are so worth the attention. Some people have more mildly interesting things around them, and that's okay because there are places on the Internet for people to share the most mildly interesting things with the world. Reddit's /r/mildlyinteresting is a subreddit made for users to share everything kind of cool that they see in their otherwise normal days. Here are just 28 of those interesting images to make your lunchtime scrolling a little more interesting.

The Northernmost McDonald's

(Source: Reddit)

Saved concert tickets from the 90s

(Source: Reddit)

The "enlarged" photo isn't really enlarged

(Source: Reddit)

This hot plate has a typo

(Source: Reddit)

This dog looks like he's wearing pants

(Source: Reddit)

Teddy bears turning to "stone", Mother Shipton's cave, Yorkshire

(Source: Reddit)

This drone is power washing a building

(Source: Reddit)

Mildly air-conditioned car

(Source: Reddit)

Halloween cheese

(Source: Reddit)

This lowercase stop sign

(Source: Reddit)

This deer with crazy antlers

(Source: Reddit)

This cake outweighs its advertised weight

(Source: Reddit)

This salt lamp… leaked?

(Source: Reddit)

This airplant flowered

(Source: Reddit)

This memorial for deceased ground crew in Austin

(Source: Reddit)

Random knife in a water jug

(Source: Reddit)

$1.47/gallon gas

(Source: Reddit)

This abandoned boat is a garden now

(Source: Reddit)

Thermal imaging of a dog

(Source: Reddit)

A copy of the Magna Carta from 1305

(Source: Reddit)

This is a cashew fruit

(Source: Reddit)

A full, double rainbow!

(Source: Reddit)

Leather bag has a visible brand

(Source: Reddit)

A giant ball of barbecue skewers

(Source: Reddit)

This bleach is chunky

(Source: Reddit)

This old Macintosh

(Source: Reddit)

This tiny can of WD40

(Source: Reddit)

This plant growing out of the shower wall

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: mildly interesting, /r/mildlyinteresting, mcdonalds, interesting, hmmm, nostalgia, mildly infuriating, dogs, technology, drones, halloween, cheese, animals, books, vintage, apple, mac, /r/hmmm, photos, cool photos, cool facts, collections,