28 Oddly Specific Scenarios Confusing Everyone

Have you ever seen something that was just a little too specific? Like something that had a little too much detail? Something so specific that it is actually kind of suspicious? These kinds of scenarios pop up when someone least expects them. Someone could be having a totally normal day and all of a sudden someone says something very jarringly specific. It makes a person think a little bit.
These specific sentences could be questions someone ended with "asking for a friend" which everyone knows is a lie. It could be a story someone is sharing that seems kind of off. It could be a cleverly crafted insult or comparison made that is so specific yet so accurate. It could even be a warning or a sign that someone put in place that clearly was made with a story behind it. Oddly specific scenarios and sentences are bewildering and entertaining.
Reddit's /r/oddlyspecific is a subreddit where people can share all of the most specifically strange things they see in the wild and online. Here are 28 of them confusing everyone.