28 Oddly Specific Sentences That Are A Little Suspicious

Everyone has seen something before that seems a little too specific to be totally innocent. It's like the kinds of questions people ask that are long and particular and end with "asking for a friend." Everyone knows that the friend is non-existent, someone just doesn't want to admit it's about them. Oddly specific sentences aren't always questions, though. Sometimes they are observations, insults, or comparisons. Some people can be super creative when coming up with ways to describe something; it's kind of impressive.
Reddit's /r/oddlyspecific is a subreddit where people share screenshots of all of the posts, sentences, and questions they find that are too specific to be normal. They raise the question of what's going on in someone's life to say such a thing. And how can something be so specific, yet so universally relatable? It's truly a rollercoaster of a time. Here are 28 oddly specific sentences that'll get people thinking today.