
28 Statements And Comparisons That Are Little Too Specific

Two images from /r/oddlyspecific
Two images from /r/oddlyspecific

Published July 26, 2024

Published July 26, 2024

Have you ever come across something that seemed just a little too specific to be totally innocent? Like something that is just too well thought-out or too well written and it seems like surely something must have happened to get to that point? It's like the kinds of questions people ask that end with "asking for a friend." Everyone knows that's not true. Or sometimes someone compares someone to something else and the description is creepily accurate?

Oddly specific statements and phrases are always quite the rollercoaster of emotions. What happened to make someone think of something so strangely specific? What is going on to make them ask that question? Usually, these oddly specific sentences leave a person with more questions than answers, it's fascinating to see how some people's brains work. Here are 28 oddly specific phrases, comparisons, questions and statements that are just a little too specific to not question.

Ant kids

(Source: Reddit)

That is a good one

(Source: Reddit)

Top-tier song moments

(Source: Reddit)

Haven't we learned our lesson

They have a point

(Source: Reddit)

Is everything fine or is nothing fine

(Source: Reddit)

Quite the history

(Source: Reddit)

A fair warning

(Source: Reddit)

I get it

(Source: Reddit)

Park hours

(Source: Reddit)

2-slice or 4-slice?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They're annoying

(Source: Reddit)

They're just curious

(Source: Reddit)

It's not a huge amount of chickens… enough to need a weapon

(Source: Reddit)

For the best experience

(Source: Reddit)

No more, no less

(Source: Reddit)

Eat fresh

(Source: Reddit)

I always wondered…

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta get that good fork feel

(Source: Reddit)

Going as her for Halloween

(Source: Reddit)

Who's down

(Source: Reddit)

They have a tight schedule

(Source: Reddit)

Don't push it

(Source: Reddit)

Good point

(Source: Reddit)

Poor guy

(Source: Reddit)

Lowercase scum

(Source: Reddit)

Try it

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/oddlyspecific, oddly specific, twitter, hmmm, comebacks, rare insults, reddit, music, chimpanzee, animals, funny signs, jobs, work, chickens, subway, mildly interesting, elon musk, facts, tumblr, /r/hmmm, insane people, collections,