
28 Weird Images Emitting Some Strange Vibes

Two images from /r/TIHI
Two images from /r/TIHI

Published November 12, 2024

Published November 12, 2024

When it comes to the Internet, there is a lot of content out there to see. People are constantly uploading new images and media to the web all day long; there is an endless supply of stuff to see. While much of this content is good, some even blessed, a whole lot more of it is really weird. There are some people out there who thrive off of the strangest things in life. They like to share the most creepy, cursed and uncomfortable images in the world to see other people's reactions.

While sometimes this kind of content is entertaining, other times all there is left to say about it is "thanks, I hate it." It could be a strange piece of art, a creepy insect or some other definitely cursed object. It's a gamble every time. There is a lot to cringe at online. Here are 28 strange images filled with the weirdest energy.

These stairs?

(Source: Reddit)

Communal pho

(Source: Reddit)

Oh… okay

(Source: Reddit)

Wish I could unsee this

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Thanksgiving?

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, teeth ring

(Source: Reddit)

It's kind of cute

(Source: Reddit)

These scarecrows

(Source: Reddit)

Foot slippers

(Source: Reddit)

Happy birthday

(Source: Reddit)

Never been more uncomfortable

(Source: Reddit)

Fruit babies?

(Source: Reddit)

That's.. a lot

(Source: Reddit)

This is an accurate T. Rex

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

Hair portrait

(Source: Reddit)

Oh, good

(Source: Reddit)

This sculpture

(Source: Reddit)

Strawberry nails

(Source: Reddit)

This blurry sidewalk

(Source: Reddit)

These apartments

(Source: Reddit)

This cat statue

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

"Found this under my windshield wiper"

The blinds melted


It just drains into a hole…


Tags: tihi, /r/tihi, thanks i hate it, bad design, poor design, one job, halloween, reddit, food, cake, atbge, gross, dinosaurs, history, /r/atbge, mildly infuriating, i hate it, no thanks, /r/thanksihateit, facepalm, /r/hmmm, hmmm, mildly, collections,