28 Wholesome Memes To Recharge Depleted Spiritual Batteries

The gut can eat vegetables, the brain can eat facts, but what healthy food is there for the soul? Wholesome memes.
The question of how to feed the soul is something that philosophers have long debated, seeking to understand how to live the good life. But for most of the time philosophers have debated, the answer to their question never existed. Now it does. The answer, as stated previously, is wholesome memes.
Wholesome memes are content created with human flourishing in mind. They remind a scroller of the internet about all the things that make the world a lovely place. Kindness, kittens and wonderful views. The world is full of richness, wonderful things of beauty and grace. These things are just around the corner, present for all people to enjoy. You can find wholesome memes on Reddit, but also other places. The internet is teeming with them, and so is the everyday, if you remember to look for the wholesome things.