29 Clever Comebacks That Silenced People

When engaging in a debate, it isn't easy to come up with a good comeback. That's all arguing is: comeback after comeback, and eventually, someone gives one so good that it ends the debate. For some people, this comes easily, for others, they are stuck thinking and thinking with nothing left to say. When arguing online, there is the time advantage, so people don't have to come up with a comeback immediately, still, seeing a good comeback on the internet will always be satisfying and entertaining.
While debates happen all over the web, one of the most common places for discourse is Twitter, of course. Arguments and debates are happening all day long over there, so the chance of finding a good comeback is high. Reddit's /r/clevercomebacks is a subreddit where users share the most diabolical, silencing comebacks they have found while scrolling online. There was really nothing left to be said after these users made these statements. So here are 29 clever comebacks that won.