
30 Classical Art Memes Everyone Can Relate To

Two images from /r/trippinthroughtime
Two images from /r/trippinthroughtime

Published December 11, 2024

Published December 11, 2024

Modern memes are cool and all, but what's even better is classic memes. Classical art is the kind of art that was made hundreds and thousands of years ago. It's cool to see these paintings and impressive that they have been maintained and kept safe for so long. It's interesting to look at them and glimpse back at what life was like all those years ago. Obviously, absolutely everything has changed since then, but one thing to remember is that people are kind of the same.

Sometimes these paintings depict people in settings that seem a little too familiar. Like, maybe the things they were doing and thinking back then actually aren't so different from what people think and do now. It's almost like the art is filled with time travellers or something. This idea makes it really easy and fun to create memes. Classical art memes are memes made from classical art, obviously, and they are surprisingly relatable.

Reddit's /r/trippinthroughtime is a subreddit filled with these kinds of memes. Here are 30 of them capturing the essence of what it is to be human, then and now.

It can think…?

(Source: Reddit)

The truth is out there

(Source: Reddit)

A struggling Abe

(Source: Reddit)

Off you go

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This is dark

(Source: Reddit)

These dogs…

(Source: Reddit)

A heartwarming story

(Source: Reddit)

Cat armour! Now!

(Source: Reddit)

Just a joke

(Source: Reddit)

Fun fact

(Source: Reddit)

The uprising begins

(Source: Reddit)

Good advice

(Source: Reddit)

That was quick

(Source: Reddit)

Parent of the year

(Source: Reddit)

Ba dum tsss

(Source: Reddit)

Boxed juice please

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Should be safe now

(Source: Reddit)

Needs a few more days…

(Source: Reddit)

Someone help

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I get it

(Source: Reddit)

So annoying

(Source: Reddit)


Tags: classical art memes, memes, trippin through time, /r/trippinthroughtime, reddit, the internet, meme, social media, me irl, /r/meirl, mood, big mood, society, relatable memes, relatable,