30 Memes For The Nerd Hidden In All Of Us

Science makes the world go round, thousands of scientific inventions are the reason for our current comfortable lives. Whether you're doom-scrolling on your phone late at night before bed or using the latest version of Chat-GPT to do your school assignment for you, we couldn't have done any of it without thousands of years of scientific breakthroughs. From Einstein to Edison, there's a long list of scientists, physicists, and people of higher intellect that we should collectively tip our hats to for providing us with all the things we take for granted today.
New and improved inventions are also constantly being created, and what better way to celebrate a long history of science if not through memes? This collection is made particularly for all of those who are pursuing a higher educational degree, or just like to nerd out about anything related to a theorem they learned in high school. Prepare to laugh and also learn a new thing or two, as you explore this collection made for all the nerds on the internet.