
32 Relatable Memes That Just... Make Sense

Two images from /r/meirl
Two images from /r/meirl

Published December 26, 2024

Published December 26, 2024

There are plenty of memes available for viewing online; there are likely millions, if not billions, out there. There truly is something for everyone on the web. One of the most iconic meme styles, though, is the relatable meme. Relatable memes are memes that contain an image and a short phrase or comment that most people can agree upon.

Sometimes, they get pretty oddly specific while maintaining their relatability, adding to their impressiveness and making them super satisfying to see. It's interesting to see just how similar everyone's lives are; it's a nice reminder no one is ever alone in anything.

Relatable memes pander to the void that exists in everyone, which begs for companionship. These kinds of memes bring people together in ways, not many other things can. They are quite an amazing feat that should be cherished and continued forever. So, for those who want to feel closer to the world, here are 32 relatable memes that speak to the soul.

I get it

(Source: Reddit)

Valid point

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry to let you all down

(Source: Reddit)

Why does this have to happen?

(Source: Reddit)

I sure haven't

(Source: Reddit)

He's so real for that

(Source: Reddit)

It matters

(Source: Reddit)

That's reasonable

(Source: Reddit)

Ba dum tsss

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Santa

(Source: Reddit)

Like, gimme a break, man

(Source: Reddit)

What happened…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tumblr, too

(Source: Reddit)

Just that, over and over again

(Source: Reddit)

Just curious

(Source: Reddit)

Technology has gone too far

(Source: Reddit)

It just makes sense

(Source: Reddit)

What a time to be alive

(Source: Reddit)

Never leave, Reddit

(Source: Reddit)

They emphasized it so much…

(Source: Reddit)

No way we're the same species

(Source: Reddit)

WHERE did you even find that?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Wow… thanks…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

More. Now.

(Source: Reddit)

They're gonna love that

(Source: Reddit)

Just had to check

(Source: Reddit)

How's that sound?

(Source: Reddit)

It's exhausting

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: me irl, /r/meirl, relatable, memes, relatable memes, meme templates, mood, the grinch, dogs, christmas, cats, social media, work, tumblr, myspace, mario kart, reddit, real memes, big mood, christmas memes, meme template, oddly specific, suspiciously specific, specific memes,