Two images from /r/meirl

40 Relatable Memes To Bring People Together

Relatable memes are the kinds of memes that speak to a person on a very personal level. They are the kinds of memes that depict a certain feeling or situation in the hopes that many people will be able to relate to it. Some of these memes get pretty specific yet they still remain relatable, creating a sense of community and togetherness on the internet.

The internet is full of memes, but relatable memes are just special. They can be found and shared just about anywhere and someone somewhere will find it and be able to relate to them. It just goes to show how similar we all are to one another. How everyone truly is living the same life out there. Reddit's /r/MeIRL is a subreddit that contains a multitude of relatable memes everyone can enjoy. There is something for everyone on this subreddit. Bond with someone today by sending along a relatable meme to see how similar you really are. Here are 40 relatable memes everyone can enjoy.

Good luck

Boss: You know we're going to be really short staffed when you're off next week Me: Sounds terrible... Good luck with that

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It really be like that

Me getting dressed to go to work when there's an 8 year old YouTuber that made $26 million this year

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Not a dog

When your landlord says no dogs allowed

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Time flies…

Dec 13, 2015 | 9:37 PM Mom said I have to go NOOO Ok we can play tomorow :) Jan 18 | 6:37 PM Hey man! I don't know if you still remember me, but we used to play like 8 years ago lol. I got married last week actually

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Those were the days

I miss the days when the news smacked so godd hard Peter Jennings had to fire up a heater just to deliver that s CNEWS LONDON

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Yucky hair scraps

old tom @YuckyTom at the end of every haircut they ask me if i want product in my hair to which i always reply "no i'm going home to shower anyway" bc hair in my shirt bothers me so much i have an assigned “haircut shirt" are there people getting haircuts and just going about their day??

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Round of applause for that one

cosmic cowgirl @blockhim2024 EVERYBODY SHUT UP the plane they use to fly the horses from all over the world to the Olympics for the equestrian events is called AIR HORSE ONE RangerTom ❤ @rangertomc On behalf of all dads in America, I approve this joke

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Bad, terrible eclipse

sarah @sablaah Follow humiliating. looks like s***. yet another massive W for earth, the best planet in the universe Jasmine @astro_jaz 2d we've seen eclipses on earth, so here's an eclipse from mars. this is mars's moon phobos eclipsing the sun.

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What did they expect?

Kristin @fencheeks Sat through a horrible job interview for an hour then the guy was like "btw, this only pays 30k so if you're looking for a job that pays better, look elsewhere" so I said "ok I will" then he was like "?? wait no" Imao this was hours ago and I still feel incredible

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More gargoyles please

Vinny Thomas @vinn_ayy Nobody is putting gargoyles on buildings anymore. It can't be that much more expensive to slap a gargoyle up there. We used to be a proper country.

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We are all equals here

Lord Hugh Mungus @PoodleSnarf I knocked over a plant in the kitchen but my cat saw me so I had to spray myself with water so I could show the law applies to everyone

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Crazy when you think about it…

how tf did someone create wifi and bluetooth from this:

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DIY for the win

Vanta Greige @ultramaricon ... for weeks my parents have been at war against a very resourceful rat and I've been begging them to call pest control but no my dad would rather balance a banana on a 2x4 over a garbage can full of water like a fu cartoon cat

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Criminal, diabolical even

Jalynne @jalynnestratton 408 Never forget when I lived in Florida, I was talking to this guy and found out he had a gf. I found her insta, messaged her, we met up, took a selfie and posted it to f *w him. He screenshotted the selfie and posted it on his insta and said "both my girls lookin good for real"

(Source: Reddit)

Just imagine

Patrick Wyman @Patrick Wyman Imagine being drunk as hon cheap wine on a summer day in ancient Rome watching the chariot races, then seeing a chariot eat S' on a turn, the crowd must have been insane

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I just don't. know, okay?

Salty Mermaid @Jenn_H_Scott Listen, frozen meal instructions, never in the history of owning microwaves have I known the wattage of any microwave

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That's gotta hurt

Redigit @Demilogic Follow The worst part of being Redigit, the creator of Terraria, the 8th best selling video game of all time, is listening to your wife fangirl over Stardew Valley

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Fair enough

"I'd rather get 1 cent a second than $2.5 million" Comments adamwiththeh 1d 1 cent a second is 1.3 billion every other week, hardly a difficult choice Reply fernando_camacho_bustamante 1d @adamwiththeh Literally how did you reach this result Reply i 3,328 1,496 adamwiththeh 1d @fernando_camacho_bustamante i just thought of the biggest number i 3,204 know and commented it

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Sweet revenge

gen3stang .7h 11 Awards My cousin punched my wall. Left a hole and started laughing. When he got his first house I went over and punched a hole right in the wall. I waited for 11 years to do that. Reply + 18.2k

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How do they know?

Doctors will be like "Go and buy this" и anthony @xforcades2 @pubity and the pharmacist will give it to you

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It's a little weird

CadenceOnDaBeat @CadenceOnDaBeat 600 Name a behavior that isn't labeled as a form of mental illness but you feel like it should be? @fjaystaytrill Making a page for your baby and commenting as the baby

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No shame

No one: That one person:

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Family sticks up for family

Ashlyn Leigh ⚫ @Ashlynnnleigh When I broke up with my high school boyfriend, my 10 year old brother walked in on me crying and asked what was wrong. I told him, and he proceeded to go log on to Minecraft, join my ex's party..and go set their town on fire. A family of psychos

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Sugar said not today

jim rose circus @jimrosecircus1 Meet Sugar, she doesn't like to be ridden. If Sugar is approached with a saddle she lyes down and pretends to be asleep. Sugar refuses to open her eyes until the riders leave.

(Source: Reddit)

Feeling bashful

Getting compliments from girls your age Getting called "pretty" by a 31 year old woman

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Thanks, I'm cured

jack dirk goob ara @jackthefrograt parents when u tell them u have a mental illness Carlyn @infinite_karma 2d • You are alive. You have a home. You have a bed. You have food. You have clean water. Be grateful. Show this thread

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Times are tough

jessie electric @JessicaNonGrata Confession time: I'm almost 49 and I have zero retirement savings. No exaggeration. Absolutely nothing. Maybe about $900 in my checking account. No idea W I'm going to do. And I know I can't be the only one.

(Source: Reddit)

Just doing my job

Kyle @KylePlantEmoji Why do jobs ads always look for people who go "above and beyond" If you have additional requirements, say so and compensate me for it, otherwise I will do exactly what we agreed I'd get paid to do

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Not that hard, guys!

Andrew Nadeau @TheAndrewNadeau Millennials, quit whining. I paid off $150,000 in student loans and own a $400,000 home, because I SAVE. It's not that hard. I -Make coffee at home -Bus instead of Uber -Shop sales -Had parents pay off my loans & buy me a house because I'm daddy's special boy -Got Hulu with ads

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds like a way better life

corri @okiecorri i personally think cinderella should have lived a happy life with all her animal friends rather than settle for a man who had her try on a shoe because he didn't recognize her without makeup

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Gimme a second

@ghostcheeksss I do not like how Netflix threatens to start the movie while I'm just tryna read the description. Like pls, you making me anxious 7:23 PM 4/16/20 Twitter for iPhone

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The sink needs washing too

The dishes not done until you do this

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This is just petty


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Need them all

packaging designer is a genius and i'm buying 12 cartons to get all the designs Σ MMMMMM" O 14 O 59 MM TE M M ΣΙ O Σ Σ 0.0 Σ 0.0 57 M MM 0.0 0.0 M Σ 0.0 0.0 ΣΙ M ΣΙ gal fol 0.0

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That was unexpected

In 2018 when the guy I was seeing texted me "Monday night raw?⚫0" So I planned for a night of intense pleasure but instead I ended up here.. CHY RAW

(Source: Reddit)

Great, thanks.

I see here that you've been a loyal customer for 10 years. I'll just go ahead and increase your bill instead of giving you the same sweet deal we give new customers, ok?

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It's my duty

Eagan @zeagan As a childless adult it is my duty to embrace hobbies and pastimes that my peers cannot, as they have sacrificed their free time to maintain the population. I must vibe and chill, and do fun things, in their honour. 17:42 14.02.22 Twitter for iPhone 000

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What kind of psychopath…?

Just imagine there is someone out there who sleeps in their socks, eats pineapple on pizza and sleeps with their bedroom door wide open ALL YOU CAN EAT

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Raigan @OurMidwestLife Are you an empath or were you just raised in a household where you had to anticipate the emotions of everyone around you to protect yourself so now you can sense a bad mood with the wrong eye contact or even breathing? 6:49 PM - Aug 11, 2020 Twitter for iPhone by u/kveach

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