
Based On These 25 Recipe Reviews, Some People Should Stay Out Of The Kitchen

Two images from /r/ididnthaveggs
Two images from /r/ididnthaveggs

Published March 06, 2024

Published March 06, 2024

Amongst some of the other great things to come from the Internet are online recipes. Easily accessible and versatile online recipes have saved so many people over the years. Helping people with certain diets find new ideas, helping broke and clueless students feed themselves, and helping people with what to bring to the potluck year round. Online recipes and the people who write them truly are doing the world a great service. Now there is another necessary thing for them, the reviews. People have to try them out to know if they are legit or not, and many people are willing to do that. Sometimes though, it is so obvious that certain people should just stay out of the kitchen based solely on their recipe reviews.

Reddit's /r/ididnthaveeggs has revealed a very disturbing side of the online recipe world. There are so many people making major changes and substitutions to otherwise great recipes, messing them up, then blaming the creator of the recipie. It is a heinous and unbelievable crime that would make any reasonable person facepalm in disbelief. Here are 25 absolutely ridiculous and uncalled-for reviews from people who have no clue.

Why Would You Do That?

(Source: Reddit)

I Wonder Why It Tasted Like Vinegar

(Source: Reddit)

That Stings

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Just Silly

(Source: Reddit)

Oh Becky…

(Source: Reddit)

Please, Get a Grip

(Source: Reddit)

It Got Worse

(Source: Reddit)

They're Different for a Reason

(Source: Reddit)

Who Asked?

(Source: Reddit)

What an Odd Substitution

(Source: Reddit)

Getting Technical

(Source: Reddit)

"Followed the Recipe to a T"

(Source: Reddit)

This Was for Pudding

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's Just Crazy

(Source: Reddit)

Wow Thanks

(Source: Reddit)

Okay, Lisa

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Why Even Try It Then?

(Source: Reddit)

What Happened?

(Source: Reddit)

It Inspired Something

(Source: Reddit)

Too Basic

(Source: Reddit)

Two for One

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Vital Step

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/ididnthaveeggs, i didn't have eggs, recipes, reviews, insane people, dogs, dessert, comebacks, clever comebacks, extreme comebacks, vegan, tofu, pasta, facepalm, reddit, cookies, super bowl, tiktok, keto, recipe substitutions, diets, collections,