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Class Is Back In Session With These 25 History Memes

It's that time of the year when everyone in school is headed back to class. School can be a stressful season for some. Some people like school, others not so much. It's hard to get back into the swing of things after a long, hot summer, especially for those who did nothing intellectual during the break. Memes are fun and all, but they don't provide much in terms of education. Unless, of course, they're history memes.

History memes are memes that combine humor and history facts into one, easy-to-digest meme. These memes put the "fun" back into "fun facts," they entertain and educate, and it doesn't get much better than that. Reddit's /r/historymemes is a subreddit home to thousands of the best history memes from all around the web. There's a meme to satisfy everyone and anyone's interests, it's a great way to get back into the learning mood. Here are 25 history memes to disguise internet scrolling with learning.

True immortality

Anonymous 03/19/20(Thu)23:31:20 No.57238072 One day, someone will think about you for the last time in eternity. You will be forgotten by the world and the universe. 74 KB JPG 445 BEST COMMENTS ✓ 21 ↑ Share EaNasir .3h Not if I sell low-grade quality copper + Reply 86

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Honourable defeat We will fight this splendid little war and liberate the Cuban people from the Spanish yoke! I can neither afford nor win this war but I shall seek an honorable defeat

(Source: Reddit)

Built different

big *H @clov_rex_franc if i was at the crucifixion idve stopped it 64 17,850 34.8K ↑ remi @remigius_episcopus Breh the apostles were there and they ran, there was a giant mob of roman soldiers 4 404 1,443 big *H @clov_rex_franc Replying to @remigius_episcopus rip to them but im different 5:25 PM 12/24/496 Scribe for Vellum 4,852 Retweets 18.1K Likes 17

(Source: Reddit)

Two kinds of people

My father is a war criminal My father is a war criminal JUL GENILDO

(Source: Reddit)

Wouldn't we all?

Study Finds 100% Of Men Would Immediately Leave Their Desk Job If Asked To Embark Upon A Trans- Antarctic Expedition On A Big Wooden Ship

(Source: Reddit)


Classical Studies Memes for Hellenistic Teens @CSMFHT Feb 17 This is the kind of divine portent the Romans would have gone crazy over Dr. Mike McClelland @magicmikewrites. Feb 15 You think you've seen it all and then your 13-year-old blind beagle throws up the French flag in the middle of the night. 0 43 15.5K 67K ili 2M 1

(Source: Reddit)

Have you learned nothing?

The French u/winkysocks21 We have learnt from our past and will never let so much power be in the hands of a single person *minutes later* omg Napoleon Bonjour

(Source: Reddit)

The revolution never ended

"The floor is having a stable government for more than 70 years"

(Source: Reddit)

Things were tense


(Source: Reddit)

It's beautiful

Amani @Aurorraz Follow Arabic poetry can be absolutely gorgeous with the way poets express these beautifully complex emotions so easily and then there is this Abu Hasan al-Sari (972 CE) She has an a below a slender waist That oppresses us both: It tortures me when I think about it And tires her when she moves to stand up.

(Source: Reddit)


Spread of the Aryans Bro stop Ok. Ok.

(Source: Reddit)

Standard Arabic and classical Arabic are almost identical

Most languages speakers: *Can barely read a 700 y.o book* Meanwhile, Arabic speakers reading from the 6th century and almost understanding it all: Signature look of superiority.

(Source: Reddit)



(Source: Reddit)

How the US got half of its land

The Brits are beating us, take this so they can't have it ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN CANADA MONTANA NORTH DAKOTA MINNESOTA SOUTH DAKOTA WYOMING IOWA NEBRASKA Denver COLORADO St. Louis KANSAS MISSOURI NEW MEXICO MEXICO OKLAHOMA ARKANSAS TEXAS LOUISIANA New Orleans Barrow, Wainwright, Point Lay Prudhoe Bay Point RUSSIA Hope .Noatak Kotzebue Wiseman Beaver. Shishnjaret, Selawik Fort Yukon .Circle Taylor Rampart Eagle Teller Fairbanks RUSSIA Nome Savoonga St Lawrence Is White Mountain Unalakleet Tanacross Tok U.S.A St Michael McGrath Copper Alakanuk Hooper Bay Pilot Station Valdez Center Anchorage Kalskag Cordova St Matthew Is Kenal. Mekoryuk, Tununak Nunivak is Seward BERING SEA Kipnuk Dillingham Homer Ekwok Port Graham Port William Egegik Kodiak Attu Attu St. Paul Pribilof Islands St George Pilot Point Kodiak Is Old GULF OF ALASKA Agattu is Atka Amchitka is Adak Adak is is Atka Amlia is Fort Randall King Cove Unalaska Nikolski Unalaska Is Chignik Harbor Perryville PACIFIC Umnak Is OCEAN CANADA Whitehorse Haines Skagway Yakuta Juneau Petersburg Sitka Ketchikan Queen Charlotte Islands ALASKA

(Source: Reddit)

A casual stroll

Please let us rest, we already marched 60 miles today. Just a few more miles today, those Norwegians will never see this coming The Anglo Saxon army Harold Godwinson 110

(Source: Reddit)

They became… different

Belgium in Europe Belgium in Africa

(Source: Reddit)

Every time

History: *Is written* Defeated side's tales of bravery: *Exist* The victors: It's a total fabrication. Pure fiction. Not a chance. Wrong. No. No way. Safi It never happened.

(Source: Reddit)

Ea-Nasir Again?!

Joe Weisenthal A trader in Turkey bought $36 million worth of copper, but then when it was delivered it turned out to just be rocks painted to look like copper He can't keep getting away with it!

(Source: Reddit)


How UK sees Belgium How US sees Belgium Welcome to France How Germany sees Belgium

(Source: Reddit)

An American hero

How Thomas Jefferson felt after freeing 7 of his slaves (he owned more than 600 of them) momazos jack-

(Source: Reddit)

They sure did

People: men dressed and acted like men back in the day. Men back in the day:

(Source: Reddit)

Drama is gender neutral

When I hear the phrase "men don't start drama❞ WORLD HISTORY

(Source: Reddit)

What happened?

Ancient Greeks and Romans when they came back to life and returned to their land to see the temples that they once built becomes museums, and the statues becoming dull white instead of colorful figures:

(Source: Reddit)

They don't

Everyone: "I miss the '90s" Balkan people:

(Source: Reddit)

Makes you think

Number of Medieval Markets 500AD 1000 1500 1800 2020 Today

(Source: Reddit)

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