Recover From 'The Acolyte' With 22 Memes By The 'Star Wars' Fanbase

The Star Wars fanbase is a dedicated bunch. Star Wars is a franchise that has been around for a very long time now and love for it has never ended, only grown. A series that started out with a single movie has now grown into multiple movies, series, and so many timelines to follow. Most fans can agree that the prequels and original movies are the best, but there is some debate around the sequels. Love them or hate them, they are a part of the franchise one way or another.
One thing all fans can agree upon is the love for memes. Memes unite people of all kinds, so Star Wars memes made for fans, by fans, hold the community together. Reddit has a number of subreddits dedicated to Star Wars memes. There is one for the prequels, the originals, and of course the sequels, which is what is featured here. Here are 22 sequel memes that, for the most part, give everyone something to agree on.