
Return To The Classics With These 25 Star Wars 'Prequel Memes'

Two images from r/prequelmemes
Two images from r/prequelmemes

Published March 02, 2024

Published March 02, 2024

Star Wars has a huge fanbase. For good reason too. The franchise is huge, constantly growing, and classic. There are fans who have been around since the original trilogy, ones that joined during the prequels, and new fans too. There's just something about the world that keeps people invested. Because there are so many Star Wars fans out there, there are a lot of differing opinions on the movies. Some people love them all, some love just the originals, and some hate the sequels, but it's whatever.

One thing every Star Wars fan can appreciate though is a good meme, because like, who doesn't like a good meme? Reddit's got a few Star Wars meme specific subreddits including /r/PrequelMemes. This subreddit, like it suggests, is full of memes regarding the prequel movies only. Here are 25 Star Wars prequel memes that nearly every fan will be able to enjoy in some way today.

Whaddya Know

(Source: Reddit)

It's All Connected

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What Happened to Him?

(Source: Reddit)

So Tragic

(Source: Reddit)

A Meme for Every Line

(Source: Reddit)

It's Perfect

(Source: Reddit)

Take a Seat

(Source: Reddit)

Open Fire

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This Is Getting Out of Hand

(Source: Reddit)

The Chips!

(Source: Reddit)

Must Be a Common Surname

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Worry Guys

(Source: Reddit)

You Tell Him

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Peak Dialogue

(Source: Reddit)

Joe Who?

(Source: Reddit)

An Important Day

(Source: Reddit)

Oh Anakin

(Source: Reddit)

It's Treason Then

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Seems Odd

(Source: Reddit)

Prepping for Beach Season

(Source: Reddit)

Rare Photo

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: star wars, star wars prequels, /r/prequelmemes, memes, spongebob, the clone wars, obi-wan kenobi, padme, jar jar binks, anakin skywalker, george lucas, darth vader, joe mama, zendaya, phantom menace, disney, original trilogy, yoda, collections,