Take A Break With These 25 Images That Made Us Smile

Every once in a while, we all need a break from the regular events of the day. Sometimes, the world can be pretty overwhelming with everything going on in personal lives and in the media. Things can seem scary, stressful or sad. Although the internet is a lot at times, it's important to remember that the web also contains lots of nice things.
People post positivity all the time, which is absolutely worth seeing and is guaranteed to make people smile. There are plenty of places online to find wholesome content, Reddit's /r/mademesmile being one. This subreddit allows users to post anything that made them smile during that day. It could be something that happened in their own lives or something they saw online that cheered them up. So, for anyone who needs a break from the day's regularly scheduled content, here are 25 wholesome and blessed images that made people smile today.