These 15 People Did Not Realize Who They Were Talking To

When someone asks the question "don't you know who I am" to someone, it usually comes across as pretentious and stuck-up. Sometimes though, it is a totally warranted question for them to be asking, especially depending on who it is asking it. Everyone is on the internet these days — normal people, celebrities, scientists, authors, artists and just about everyone, so you gotta know who you're talking to before you start criticizing or chiming in, to avoid embarrassment.
The folks that are featured on Reddit's /r/dontyouknowwhoiam did not do their due diligence in that department. This results in some pretty embarrassing moments of people saying the wrong thing to the wrong (or right?) person. It's pretty cringeworthy when this happens, but also super satisfying to see someone realize their mistake and get corrected. So here are 15 people who did not, in fact, know who they were talking to before opening their mouths, or typing.