
These 15 Photos Are Proof Animals Can Be Jerks

Two images from r/animalsbeingjerks
Two images from r/animalsbeingjerks

Published January 09, 2024

Published January 09, 2024

Many, many people around the world welcome pets into their homes. Some people have just one, others have multiple. Pets are great companions. They are loyal and adorable and provide companionship and love to their owners. So many people's lives revolve around their beloved pets, and for some, they are the reason they get up every day. It is true that pets are important, but it is also true that they can be massive jerks at times; they are animals after all.

Unlike people, when animals are jerks, it's cute and funny. Most of the time what they're doing is innocent and harmless, but it can be annoying. It's just so hard to stay mad at such an adorable face. Surely everyone who has pets has experienced these feelings of rage and "aww" at the same time. They're so dumb, but so cute.

Reddit's subreddit titled /r/AnimalsBeingJerks is the subreddit dedicated to sharing the photo evidence of the adorable crimes users pets commit. Crimes that are punishable only through pets and kisses. Here are 25 animals being adorable jerks.


(Source: Reddit)

Touching the Curtains "Secretly"

(Source: Reddit)

Taking All the Space

(Source: Reddit)

Photo Bombed

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Ruining Christmas

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Uh Oh

(Source: Reddit)

He's Proud of It

(Source: Reddit)

So Comfy

(Source: Reddit)

Toe Bite

(Source: Reddit)

The Perfect Seat

(Source: Reddit)

A Plant Murder

(Source: Reddit)

Just One Bite

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: animals, cute, aww, dogs, cats, christmas, wholesome, pets, collections,