
These 23 Tattoos Are Impressively Bad

Two images from /r/shittytattoos
Two images from /r/shittytattoos

Published April 04, 2024

Published April 04, 2024

When it comes to getting a tattoo, most people tend to pay quite a great amount of attention and care to who is going to be doing it. Tattoos are permanent after all, so a bad one is literally life-changing. A tattoo fail can be embarrassing and can fill a person with a lot of regret. Of course, there are people out there who just don't care, but for the most part, people want good tattoos. There are many ways a tattoo can go from good to bad, the most common way is through an overly confident "artist." Some people really just should never be picking up the tattoo gun in the first place.

Sometimes a tattoo is doomed from the start. It doesn't matter who is doing it, it was always going to be bad. Putting time and thought into tattoos helps avoid these things. Reddit's got a few subreddits dedicated to tattoo naming and shaming. These are the most memorable ones found in the wild and online, as well as people self-shaming their own bad tattoos. Here are 23 tattoos that are actually so bad, it's kind of impressive.

Wow So Pretty

(Source: Reddit)

"Blindfold" Tattoos

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

$100 Sounds About Right

(Source: Reddit)

The Real Deal

(Source: Reddit)

It's Always the Hands

(Source: Reddit)

Someone's Sleep Paralysis Demon

(Source: Reddit)

No Words

(Source: Reddit)

Which is It

(Source: Reddit)

What Happened to His Nose?

(Source: Reddit)

So Edgy

(Source: Reddit)

Classic Bad Tattoos

(Source: Reddit)

The BLRK Parade

(Source: Reddit)

There's Always a Wolf

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Jesus? Jesus…

(Source: Reddit)

Certified White Boy

(Source: Reddit)

Gnome Child

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Just This

(Source: Reddit)

Say No Next Time

(Source: Reddit)

Wonky Bear

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: tattoos, bad tattoos, family, /r/shittytattoos, tiktok, disney, addams family, wednesday, the big lebowski, batman, shrek, trashy, harry potter, memes, bowser, super mario, stick and poke, finger tattoos, my chemical romance, mcr, collections,