These 24 Images Confused Us Deeply

Context is pretty important for many reasons. Nearly everything needs some sort of context. When it comes to photography, context gives a photo a purpose. It answers the who, what, where, when, and why of an image. This is important so that viewers aren't confused and bewildered with what they are seeing.
However, without context, some strange photos become similar to that of modern art. Some strange images become something quite amazing when they are posted with nothing to explain them. They might be strange, bewildering, shocking, or just a little eerie.
These are the kinds of images that can be found on Reddit's very odd subreddit /r/hmmm. This subreddit is self-describes as "the Internet as art," so it's bound to be good. None of the images have any explanations; it's up to the viewer to decide what's going on. Some are more self-explanatory than others, but they are all just a bit strange. Here are 24 images that might leave some people with more questions than answers today.