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These 25 Classic Dad Jokes Are Fun For Everyone

Some of the most classic jokes of all time are dad jokes. Dad jokes are the kinds of simple jokes and gags that are so obvious and so simple that it hurts a bit. They are filled with puns and wordplay, they are fun for the whole family, and a great way to annoy a group of people really quickly. People tend to find dad jokes annoying probably because of how corny they are, they generally receive a groan or a facepalm once they are told, but the genius behind them can't go unnoticed. There are many places to find fresh dad jokes to add to the arsenal.

The Twitter account @DadSaysJokes posts fresh ones every single day. There are also plenty to be found on Instagram. Overall, dad jokes are a corny and silly way to cheer up a whole bunch of people super quickly. They're pretty safe too. Here are 25 classic dad jokes to use at the next friends or family function. They're sure to get at least one laugh.

It's a Long Time

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes Nine months isn't really that long. But to some, it can feel like a maternity. 11:30 AM. Feb 24, 2024 63.3K Views ●

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March First

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes I asked my girlfriend when her birthday was. She said March 1st. So I walked around the room and asked again. 5:10 PM. Feb 21, 2024 98.7K Views ●

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It's Better There

Mom: "Leave the darn sign in the kitchen where it belongs!" Dad: YANKEE CAN PINEA FAIT CHAU LIFE IS SHORT lick THE BOWL

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Dad, am I adopted? PunHubOnline Not yet, we are still looking for somebody that wants you. kids stupp

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Never Heard of It

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes It's a shame nothing is made in America anymore... I just bought a TV and it said, "built in Antenna". I dont even know where that is. 11:34 AM. Feb 24, 2024 78.3K Views

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We Need Grocers

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes A vegan said to me that people who sell meat are disgusting. I said people who sell fruit and vegetables are grocer. 9:14 AM Feb 25, 2024 92.7K Views

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15 Seems Excessive

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes Daughter: "Did you know alligators can grow up to 15 feet?" Me: "Wow, I thought most only had 4." 9:18 AM Feb 25, 2024 66.5K Views

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Might as Well Try It

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes Tequila may not fix your life. But it's worth a shot. 1:32 PM Feb 25, 2024 88K Views

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How Kind

How much do I owe for parking my sleigh here? It's on the house. Nothing... @PunHubOnline

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Walking in Place

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes My treadmill company has been doing great. We're retaining a lot of customers. We're so proud of the fact that these people are going nowhere. 3:04 PM. Feb 25, 2024 53.7K Views ● C12 180 口 5 ←]

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Who's Heathest?

Hi, my name is Heath @PunHubOnline Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Heather. This isn't a competition.

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Need Better a Better Blanket Policy

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes So I just checked my home insurance policy and apparently if my blanket is stolen in the middle of the night, I won't be covered. 8:47 AM Feb 26, 202478.1K Views

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Good Watchdogs

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes I named my dogs Timex and Rolex... They're my watchdogs. 8:48 AM. Feb 26, 2024 57.5K Views ●●●

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How Sweet

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes My wife said: "That's the 4th time you've gone back for dessert! Doesn't it embarrass you?" I said: "No, I keep telling them it's for you." 10:17 AM Feb 24, 2024 81.9K Views ●

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Step by Step

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes I wrote a book on how not to fall down the stairs. It's a step by step guide. 6:50 PM. Feb 23, 2024 88.1K Views

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Milk Only

Where's the milk? No, I only want to buy the milk. By the eggs. @DadSaysJokes

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It'll Do


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Ok Steve, this is a standard procedure. Try not to get aroused. I know. I am Steve. My name is Paul.... DadSaysJokes

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That Poor Dog

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes My wife rang me at the pub and said, "If you're not home in 10 minutes, I'm giving the dinner I cooked you to the dog." I was home in 5 minutes. I'd hate for anything to happen to the dog. 4:43 PM. Feb 22, 2024 71.4K Views ...

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Hehe, Cute

Would you like a bite of my sandwich? @PunHubOnline No thanks, I'm stuffed.

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Dad, what's a forklift? Food, usually.

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Glasses Only

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes I was pulled over by a Police Officer. He looked at my license and said, "you're supposed to be wearing glasses". I said I have contacts. He said he didn't care who I know. 1:36 PM. Feb 26, 2024 62.6K Views ●●●

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Very, Very Frightening

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes My daughter was doing history homework and asked me what I knew about Galileo. I said: "He was a poor boy from a poor family..." 3:31 PM Feb 26, 2024 81.4K Views

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Bad Dum Tsss

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes I lost three fingers on my right hand, so I asked my doctor if I would still be able to write with it. He said: "Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it." 4:38 PM Feb 26, 2024 75.2K Views ● •

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So Bouncy

Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes How do you make a water bed bouncier? Use spring water. 10:37 AM. Feb 27, 2024 31K Views

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