These 25 DIY Fails Should Never Be Recreated

DIY projects have always been something people do. People not only like to save money by not having to hire a professional, but they also like to prove themselves. There are various levels of DIY projects. Some of them are pretty harmless, such as making a clothing item or accessory. Other DIY projects are more… risky. Home improvements and things like car maintenance should be DIY'ed with caution.
There is a reason for professionals; not all jobs are easy to do. Someone who takes on a project without the proper skills and tools might end up creating a DIY fail. DIY fails are embarrassing for those who did them, but they're entertaining for others to see. Luckily many people share their fails online for all to see and laugh at
So, for those who want to see the projects that people took on that didn't go so well, here are 25 terrible DIY fails that no one should be recreating.