
These 25 Haircuts Are Just Embarrassing

Two terrible haircuts
Two terrible haircuts

Published August 28, 2024

Published August 28, 2024

Hair is a huge part of many people's identities. It's one of those things that stands out when meeting or seeing someone. There are so many different ways to color and style hair these days as well, and everyone likes something a little different. It can be pretty intimidating going to the hairdresser for a new cut or style, it's scary to trust someone back there with some scissors and clippers. Luckily, it usually works out, but for others that is not the case.

Whether it was intentional or not, some people have some truly insane haircuts that need to be seen. These are the boldest styles around and they certainly are catching people's attention. These haircuts go beyond funky colors, from bad fades to some pretty intense bangs, it's hard to say how these hairstyles got so bad. Here are 25 terrible haircuts and styles that people are wearing out and about, with no shame.

"A bit off the top"

(Source: Reddit)

Half a mohawk

(Source: Reddit)

Is that a raccoon?

(Source: Reddit)

It's art

(Source: Reddit)

Gold chain hair

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Farquaad

(Source: Reddit)

That is crazy

(Source: Reddit)

Just a patch

(Source: Reddit)

Barcode bangs

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Like a bird nest

(Source: Reddit)

Kind of matches the birds

(Source: Reddit)

A little crooked

(Source: Reddit)

Asked for a low fade

(Source: Reddit)

Arrested halfway through the style

(Source: Reddit)

Expectation vs reality

(Source: Reddit)

That's bold

(Source: Reddit)

The golden years of hair

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It's giving "do the roar"

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The line down the middle

(Source: Reddit)

It's like a fork

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: bad hair, haircuts, bad haircuts, hairstyles, bad hair cuts, hair fails, facebook, news, shrek, instagram, expectations vs reality, bad style, styles, fails, hair fail, style fail, people with bad haircuts, cringe, cringeworthy, collections,