These 25 Haircuts Are Truly Insane
For some people, their hair says a lot about them and it means a lot to them, too. Hair makes an impression on people. Some people like to dye their hair funky colors, some people put a lot of work into making it shiny or straight, and some people spend hours working on perfecting their curls. Hair truly does mean a lot to people. Some people, though, have a different agenda when it comes to their hair. Some people either don't care what their hair looks like, or they want it to be big and bold, resulting in some wild styles.
Maybe it was a mistake at the salon, or maybe that's just what they like, no judging here. The truth, though, is that other people will always share these insane haircuts online for all to see. It's pretty funny to see just how far some people will go with their hair, but at some point, it must go too far.
Here are 25 silly, bold, or just plain bad haircuts people spotted in the wild or online that they decided were so insane that everyone else should see them, too.