
These 25 Insults Are Extremely Rare

Two images from /r/rareinsults
Two images from /r/rareinsults

Published October 16, 2024

Published October 16, 2024

No one is actually being insulted by normal insults anymore. They're way too overused, they don't pack a punch and everyone has heard them a million times by now. Normal insults are boring and if someone is going to be insulted they better be insulted the right way. That's why rare insults exist. Rare insults are the kinds of insults made for one person or a small group of similar people. They get pretty specific while maintaining accuracy, which is always impressive, and they truly do leave people feeling insulted and confused, which is a bonus.

Rare insults are the best way to insult a person. Is it nice? No, but it's entertaining. They aren't always the easiest to come up with, so Reddit's /r/rareinsults is there for tons of inspiration. This subreddit allows people to share the best roasts and insults around that are truly owning people and hitting them where it hurts. Here are 25 rare insults that were never seen before.

Pot of greed

(Source: Reddit)

I wonder how much they save

(Source: Reddit)

Thousand Year Door is an elite game

(Source: Reddit)

Straight from a Disney movie

(Source: Reddit)

It's soon time to hibernate

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Alternate timeline Gordon Ramsay

(Source: Reddit)

That's a grown man

(Source: Reddit)

Wax Zuckerberg

(Source: Reddit)

It's impressive

(Source: Reddit)

Are they wrong?

(Source: Reddit)

Seriously thought that was a raccoon

(Source: Reddit)

I don't remember that in the books…

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting looking guy

(Source: Reddit)

Try it

(Source: Reddit)

Another Kid Rock roast

(Source: Reddit)

I see it

(Source: Reddit)

He's tired of it

(Source: Reddit)

Some sort of impediment

(Source: Reddit)

A what?

(Source: Reddit)

No swifties here

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They aren't friends?

(Source: Reddit)

They're not wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/rareinsults, rare insults, insults, clever comebacks, comebacks, twitter, money, joe rogan, dave chapelle, tumblr, mario, youtube, mulan, tiktok, cursed comments, gordon ramsay, babies, kids, facebook, mark zuckerberg, collections,