These 25 Unfortunate Moments Ruined Someone's Day

Each day that goes by has its ups and downs. There is always something unexpected bound to happen in life and it isn't always something good, unfortunately. There will always be good days, bad days and neutral days throughout life. Sometimes things happen that are just very upsetting. Maybe they aren't life-changing, maybe they aren't going to ruin everything, but sometimes they will put a wrench in things and ruin a day or a few days, which is never fun.
The important thing to remember is that everyone has these bad days and unfortunate moments in life, and the proof is on Reddit. On places like Reddit, users can share their most upsetting and most headache-inducing moments that life springs onto them. No one can really do anything about these things other than sigh and shake their heads. So for anyone who needs some companionship and moral support during their own bad days, here are 25 moments from normal people's otherwise very normal days that went totally sideways.