Two images from /r/wholesomememes

These 25 Wholesome Memes Are Like A Warm Hug

Summer is coming to an end and the autumn season is quickly approaching. In many places, those hot summer days are dwindling away and the chilly weather is here to stay. For some folks this is a great thing, for others, it can remind them of stressful school years, changes, and upcoming holidays. Everyone deals with things differently. So what's one way for everyone to feel the warmth of summer for a little longer? Wholesome memes.

Wholesome memes are like a warm hug. They are filled with positive quotes and situations, adorable images, and overall they make people smile. Wholesome memes are truly blessed and it's important to indulge in them every so often. Reddit's /r/wholesomememes is one of the most positive places online. It is a subreddit filled with the best vibes around in the form of memes. Here are 25 wholesome memes that are made for everyone to enjoy, any day of the week.

So cute

In case you are having a bad day... I printed this special pot for my plant

(Source: Reddit)


fighting against the dead-internet-theory moderators redditors

(Source: Reddit)


My past traumas, and the resulting negative beliefs that are no longer useful to me made with mematic NO-SPILL Me

(Source: Reddit)

Two kinds of people

Studying psychology to see what evil people are capable of doing Studying psychology to see what good things people are capable of doing

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone needs that teacher


(Source: Reddit)


My Bad Day r/wholesomememes

(Source: Reddit)

Doing a service People not trying to ever post because among so many bots no one will even see their meme The Mods actually fixing the problem

(Source: Reddit)

Is this a thing?


(Source: Reddit)

Yoga is for everyone

Afraid to try yoga because it's for "skinny rich people", but I need a form of exercise I don't hate Do a two week trial at my local studio, no one made fun of me. I kind of like it. Start doing yoga five days a week. I'm bad at it but my instructors and classmates are very encouraging. Six month later I'm down 50 pounds and have never felt better physically and mentally. I accept where I am in my practice and don't judge myself. I've also made yoga friends!

(Source: Reddit)

For these kinds of gamers

Oh you put 100h in one game and you think you are a gamer ? Yes you are and I hope you had fun. I don't know your schedule and if it was easy to put that much in it or not but continue to enjoy yourself.

(Source: Reddit)

Sometimes things work out

Teacher asks you to help the new kid catch up New student does well on the first test Ber Bernie You do better Berni than usual because you spent time teaching Become friends with nic the new kid OF 776 OF

(Source: Reddit)

It's a huge perk

Adulthood S_ But you can buy yourself an icecream whenever you want made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

It's so hard to keep presents a secret

bought my wife's anniversary present early, better keep it a secret the urge to spoil the secret & tell my wife secret gift

(Source: Reddit)

When giving up isn't an option

The urge to give up and collapse under the weight of my stress and anxiety The people I care for that I don't want to let down

(Source: Reddit)

Sometimes it's hard to choose

Greeting a grandparent with a handshake Greeting a grandparent with a hug GRANDCHILDREN

(Source: Reddit)

It's all about how you see things

Returning to work after a three day weekend Seeing it as a fresh start to a new, short week

(Source: Reddit)

Breaking free

Society trying to impose toxic values from The next generation the past breaking the cycle and finding our own path to happiness

(Source: Reddit)


Grandparents after secretly giving the visiting grandkids some money before leaving:

(Source: Reddit)

What if?

me me mental health what if things really do get better?

(Source: Reddit)

Nature is therapeutic

Me going outside to improve my mental health "I LIKE THAT BOULDER. THAT'S A NICE BOULDER."

(Source: Reddit)

A sight to behold

Me seeing an elderly couple hold hands while walking their dog

(Source: Reddit)


My mom blowing on my injured knee 7 year old me who fell in the gravel of the playground

(Source: Redd)

Sorry guys…

Sneezed when everyone was asleep

(Source: Reddit)

A little gift

My mom Random yellow flower I found 7 year old me

(Source: Reddit)

It's just the way it goes

my fave person me trying to be affectionate but being awkward & annoying instead fb:@miserably.unrequited

(Source: Reddit)

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