
These 26 Funny Signs Are Catching Everyone's Attention

Two images from /r/funnysigns
Two images from /r/funnysigns

Published October 05, 2024

Published October 05, 2024

Signs are everywhere around the world and on the web. Signage is a huge part of life for many reasons. It is used to inform people of things like sales and stores, but it also cautions people and warns them of dangers. Signs guide people to where they want to go. It is true that signs are important, but it is also true that they are huge eyesores. Signs are not always the prettiest of things. They take up natural spaces and block views. They litter the world with their text and images, they're a necessary evil. So what's the solution here? It's to make them funny.

Funny signs are the epitome of signage. Funny signs contain jokes and puns or passive-aggressive phrases that really catch people's attention. They may still take up some space, but at least making them funny makes them easier to laugh and smile at. So here are 26 funny signs from Reddit's /r/funnysigns that are actually catching people's attention.

Aim higher

(Source: Reddit)

Remember this

(Source: Reddit)

To avoid injury…

(Source: Reddit)

I kinda want to explore

(Source: Reddit)

Bar phone rates

(Source: Reddit)

Hey, it's free advice

(Source: Reddit)

It'll be screaming ice cream

(Source: Reddit)

Poor doctor

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Got 'em

(Source: Reddit)

Watch your kids

(Source: Reddit)

Do they have a point?

(Source: Reddit)

Cash only

(Source: Reddit)

It's best for everyone

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Fine, I guess

(Source: Reddit)

This is so cute

(Source: Reddit)

Google can't keep up with country roads

(Source: Reddit)

Be careful, kids

(Source: Reddit)

It's not wrong

(Source: Reddit)

I am terrified

(Source: Reddit)

Dry cleaned grandparents

(Source: Reddit)

Do no harm… unless?

(Source: Reddit)

What happened?

(Source: Reddit)

Young animals and wild children

(Source: Reddit)

There's a difference

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: funny signs, /r/funnysigns, signs, bathroom signs, google, medicine, passive aggressive, animals, road signs, store signs, funny store signs, funny church signs, funny ads, advertisements, corporate memes, reddit, collections,