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These 28 Images Showcase Life In The 1960s

Two images from /r/thewaywewere
Two images from /r/thewaywewere

Published March 25, 2025

Published March 25, 2025

It can be fun to go back and see what times were like decades ago. Modern ages are fun, new technology is interesting, but it is also cool to go back to the world's roots and see how things used to be. Things have changed a lot over the past 60 or so years. In fact, nothing has really stayed the same. Everything from the fashion to music to trends to design and everything else has evolved or changed in some way. It's kind of scary and kind of an amazing thing to think about.

The 1960s were a revolutionary time in life. The 1960s were also known as the 'swingin' sixties,' which is a pretty perfect name for the decade. There are tons of films, shows, and a whole lot of music from the 60s that people still enjoy to this day. Many pieces of media from the 1960s are still very relevant to this day and the way society worked back then made an impact on modern days.

So, for those who either want to indulge in some 1960s nostalgia and take a look back on what the old days were like or for anyone who is unfamiliar with the decade and wants to take a peek at what it held, here are 28 throwback photos from the 1960s. This is how people lived 60 years ago.

1960s suburban life

(Source: Reddit)

Grocery shopping in the 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

When cars had turntables, 1950s-1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Kodak Fotomap, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

A group of hippies in the 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

A man and woman on the NYC subway, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Big hair in the 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Dressed for Easter, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

The Holiday Inn patented chicken dinner, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

1960s IGA cashier

(Source: Reddit)

Jack in the Box, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Kids playing in the mud, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

A man and his pet crow, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Paris, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Christmas dinner, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

Ladies under the dryer, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

A Tupperware part in the 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

A phone booth, Yellow Pages, and Woolworths, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

New York City, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

When Burger King had curb service, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Checking in at the Vineland YMCA, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Flying in the 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Friends in the park, 1960s

(Source: Redd)

Bell labs experimental video phone, 1960s

(Source: Redd)

Heading off to vacation, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

A man, his son, and his Royal typewriter, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Station Wagon car camping, 1960s

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: 1960s, 60s, 1960s nostalgia, nostalgia, nostalgic images, retro images, 60s nostalgia, boomers, old school cool, old school photos, the way we were, throwback images, mildly interesting, interesting images, cool photos, old school images,

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