
Does Ryan Gosling Think You Are A 'Loser And A Virgin?' The Actor's Real View On Memes About Him, Explained

A You Look Lonely meme, featuring Ryan Gosling and a fake headline about how people making memes with his face are "virgins and losers"
A You Look Lonely meme, featuring Ryan Gosling and a fake headline about how people making memes with his face are "virgins and losers"

Published March 07, 2024

Published March 07, 2024

Ryan Gosling, the pinnacle of both Sigma Male vibes and Barbie-inspired Kenergy, is one of the most-memed men of the 21st century. But a fake news headline circulating since 2022 puts words in the mouth of this icon, with him apparently claiming that people who make memes are "losers and virgins." This, as we know, is not at all true.

Where Did The Rumor Start?

The rumor started in 2022, with a photoshopped Indiewire article. The picture and byline were originally from coverage of Gosling's possible casting in Atlanta (a role he did not end up doing).

These lies appear to have been posted first by a Tumblr blog in 2022, and from there spread to other platforms.

What Memes Does Ryan Gosling Appear In?

In the early 2010s, Gosling's face was all over Tumblr. The "Hey Girl" meme featured the sensitive, gentle and yet broodingly handsome face of Gosling paired with all kinds of messages, many of them uplifting. Gosling was famously shown a series of these memes in a 2010 interview and laughed.

Memes about Gosling went on to evolve over the years. In the mid-2010s, with a series of grittier, darker roles, Gosling became one of the most prominent faces of Sigma Male memeing on the internet. Formats like You Look Lonely made Gosling into a Wojakesque avatar of the sad and angsty. And, in many ways, Ryan Gosling is Literally Me. Many of the characters he has portrayed have been taken up as mascots of the Sigma or very-online life.

With Barbenheimer's fame in 2023, Gosling's interpretation of Ken spawned a whole new batch of memes, bringing him yet again into the hearts, for you pages and cinema screens of people around the world.

He is one of the most memed actors of his generation and a perennial favorite for people posting about movies online.

Does Ryan Gosling Like Meme Makers?

Ryan Gosling has actually behaved in an unusually generous and respectful way towards makers of memes. In 2013, Vine creator Ryan McHenry made a viral series of Vines called "Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal," in which he filmed himself offering Gosling's character on a screen a spoonful of cereal, which the character wouldn't eat.

McHenry was diagnosed with bone cancer and died in 2015. In order to honor him, Ryan Gosling made a Vine account and posted a video of himself eating cereal.

For the full history of Ryan Gosling and his memes, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

Tags: ryan gosling, ryan gosling memes, barbie,