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Who Sings 'Imagine If Ninja Got A Low Taper Fade?' TikTok's Viral Meme Song Explained

Ninja low taper fade explained
Ninja low taper fade explained

Published January 16, 2024

Published January 16, 2024

Twitch streamer Ninja has become the subject of one of TikTok's biggest memes of 2024 so far after a hyperpop artist went viral for singing about him during a live stream. The short song asks listeners to imagine if Ninja got a low taper fade, but due to recent developments, we might not need to imagine it any longer. So who sings the song and why is it going viral? Here's what you need to know.

@droopl IMAGINE IF NINJA GOT A LOW TAPER FADE🗣🔥 #ninja #lowtaperfade #meme #edit #droopl ♬ IMAGINE IF NINJA GOT A LOW TAPER FADE – Droopl✝️

Who Sings The 'Imagine If Ninja Got a Low Taper Fade' Song?

In the first week of January, hyperpop artist ericdoa went live on Twitch. During the stream, he freestyled over a beat for his viewers, with freestyle topics ranging from brutally personal looks into his life to lighthearted and funny nonsense.

About 25 minutes into the stream, right after singing about losing his grandfather to COVID-19, he lightens the mood by singing, "Imagine if Ninja got a low taper fade." The clip of ericdoa went viral after it was posted on the @ericdoaclips TikTok page, gaining over 6 million views in under a week. Unfortunately, the song only consists of this short section and is not a real, full song.

How Is 'Imagine If Ninja Got a Low Taper Fade' Used In Memes?

Since going viral on TikTok, the original sound for "Imagine if Ninja got a low taper fade" has been used over 4,000 times. Some of the most popular videos under the sound are memes, including photoshops imagining what Ninja might look like with a low taper fade. Others include reactions to the audio and skits about the importance of imagining Ninja with a low taper fade.

Ninja himself became aware of the meme quickly and took it to the next level. He announced that he would actually be getting a low taper fade and did exactly that, debuting the new cut on social media to massive views. He even attended a Detroit Lions game with the fade and made a video set to the audio for their TikTok page, gaining over 3 million views in a day.

Of course, some commenters seem to think his new haircut is not a true low taper fade, but we'll leave that up to the barbers to figure out.

@nfloncbs Prophecy fulfilled 💀 #nfl #ninja #lions #detroitlions #lowtaperfade ♬ Low Taper Fade ericdoa – ericdoaclips

@ericdoaclips ericdoa reacts to the Brooklyn Nets posting his viral “imagine if ninja got a low taper fade” audio 🥲 #ericdoa #ericdoaclips #viral #fyp ♬ Low Taper Fade ericdoa – ericdoaclips

@andrea.amighetti Ninja low taper fade? Should’ve shown his barber this😞#ninja #lowtaperfade ♬ Low Taper Fade ericdoa – ericdoaclips

@rollingloud imagine no more… #ninja #lowtaperfade #ericdoa ♬ original sound – Rolling Loud

For the full history of "Imagine if Ninja got a low taper fade," be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

Tags: ninja, ninja low taper fade, ninja with low taper fade, ericdoa, ericdoa ninja low taper fade, ninja low taper fade meme,

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