'Smash' Player Gets Banned From Tournament For Trying To Enter It In Incredible And Inane Twitter Drama

The world of competitive Smash Brothers is always ripe for some ridiculous social media drama, but a particularly absurd communication breakdown yesterday has led to a very amusing and very avoidable round of discourse in the scene.
It started when a small Twitter / X user in Richmond, Virginia pinged a tournament organizer (TO) in the MDVA (Maryland / Virginia) scene and asked if they could sign up for his quarterly Arcadian tournament, a tourney specifically organized for players who have not made the Power Ranking in their specific region. This apparent "crime" led to them being banned from entering.

Here's how it went down: After a Twitter user with a minor following named Swimmeron asked TO Sunfish if they were available for an MDVA Arcadian though they lived in Richmond, Sunfish replied, "MDVA Arcadian. What do you think it means."
Put off by the seemingly passive-aggressive response, Swimmeron clarified that they thought MDVA consisted of Maryland and Northern Virginia, and wondered if Richmond was part of the region. Sunfish responded, "If reading isn't your strong suit, my apologies," and clarified Richmond counted. The user again expressed they were put off by the sass, leading Sunfish to tell them they were banned from entering the Winter Arcadian.

The exchange led to widespread condemnation of Sunfish from others in the Smash scene, many of whom felt the behavior was way out of line for a tournament organizer.
Others fired off jokes about how such a bizarre interaction could only take place in the Super Smash Bros. scene.

However, there may be more to the story than what has gone viral. According to others in the scene more familiar with the two parties, Swimmeron has been actively antagonistic to the local community despite never entering the community himself.
One player, named Squidplumber, accused Swimmeron of openly antagonizing his mother during Squidplumber's Twitch streams. Sunfish also accused the user of harassing his friends for three days prior to their interaction.

Smash Twitter is currently working on untangling the various "he said/he saids" that have complicated the "TO bans a player for asking if they can enter" narrative, but while a peaceful resolution is yet to be reached, readers can rest assured there will almost certainly be other inane Smash Twitter dramas in the future, as the online community for the game apparently has no signs of chilling out.