'The Day Before' Developer FNTASTIC Changes Its Name To 'Eight Points' As Suspicious Behavior Continues

The Day Before drama continues to go in bizarre directions, as just days after video game developers FNTASTIC announced it was shutting down due to "insufficient funds," it seems that's not entirely true, as the company appears to have renamed itself Eight Points.

"Eight Points" is both slightly below what The Day Before scored on Steam and the company's original name. Under that name, they developed a game called The Wild Eight, which, until recently, was reviewing pretty well on Steam.
It's unclear why Fntastic did this, as they have not given a statement, and nearly their entire social media presence – from their YouTube, Discord, website and LinkedIn accounts – have been nuked from the internet.
Their Twitter remains up, but it is also currently under scrutiny for telling a disappointed gamer the uncensored version of "s--- happens."

On the plus side, the company sounds committed to giving any player a refund for The Day Before if they ask for one, allaying some concerns that Fntastic would simply take the money it did receive for the doomed project and run. Publisher Mytona has made a similar promise.
This suggests the game may not have been an intentional scam from the start, but rather a case of a developer overpromising and severely under-delivering.
Still, the vast amount of red tape and suspicious activity surrounding Fntastic and The Day Before seems like it will cement both of their names in video game infamy.