Two images from "r/Tumblr."

23 Tumblr Text Posts From A Different Time

Once upon a time, there was a social media platform that was way more popular and well-known than it is now. Tumblr is a website that was once home to so many young teenagers who were all part of different fandoms. Fandoms are large communities that are based around an actor, TV show, band or just about anything else, and Tumblr was an important place for fandoms to come together. It was also such a customizable site where users could configure their profiles to look exactly how they wanted to match whatever they wanted to blog about and represent their personality.

All in all, it was a great site. Unfortunately with the ban of much of the popular content, among other contentious decisions, Tumblr lost a lot of its steam. It is still widely used though and harbours some great posts and memes. To take a look at the site that has been a little forgotten over the years, here are 25 Tumblr text posts from Reddit's /r/Tumblr that may convince someone to use the site again.

This Was a Thing

googledocsdyke remember when you were 10 and you would hang out with your friends in order to Look At The Computer together like you went to their house and experienced the information superhighway together. and then leave awellgroomedrat How f old are you people? googledocsdyke normal amount

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Owl Country Next

phantomrose96 4m ago phantomrose96 10m ago Can I enjoy Owl City if I haven't finished Owl House? Like will it make sense? phantomrose96 8m ago I'm really lost about the fireflies. 92 notes

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wcdonaldo Follow Nov 2 Nov 2. a month ago theoretically i understand why the anime merch stores at the mall only has merch for the most recent popular shounen, but consider: they should sell t-shirts for my favorite 20-year-old non-localized eroge

(Source: Reddit)


arrowquillpokemon game: has any kind of elemental based fighting system me: apply pokemon logic miasmicsiren To be fair Pokemon element logic is rooted in normal logic. arrowquillpokemon yeah, everyone knows a wrestlers biggest weakness is the local pigeons truthharbinger have you ever tried punching a bird

(Source: Reddit)


onemillionwordsofcrap Follow Nov 10 Nov 10.25 days ago Doylist explanation: They keep making new electric mouse pokemon because they're frantically trying to recreate the success of Pikachu. Or at least because it's tradition at this point. Watsonian explanation: A major predator of rodents is birds of prey. A mouse that can deliver electric shocks to flying-types has a much higher chance of living to produce more offspring. Thus, convergent evolution fills this niche in every region. "Pikachu" is just the pokemon universe equivalent of "crab".

(Source: Reddit)

Bone World

revretch Follow Actually all fossil reconstructions are wrong because flesh only evolved recently. Before that it was bone world personalphilosophie Follow [ Mettere

(Source: Reddit)

We Don't Talk About It

a-fragile-sort-of-anarchy I was a professional juggler for like five years and all of my friends politely pretend it never happened. a-fragile-sort-of-anarchy Sometimes I will be holding three or more similarly sized objects and they will all shoot me the kind of warning glances typically reserved for cats who are about to swipe a fresh and crispy fish stick from a small child's hand. a-fragile-sort-of-anarchy I gaze wistfully at a basket of apples and they all think, "Don't you F dare," so hard that I take psychic damage.

(Source: Reddit)

Cat Affirmations

● bamsara ● squidlykitten Follow 5m ago phantomrose96 Affirmations to read to your cat: 4d ago You are strong, capable, and wise without standing on my keyboard You are respected and loved without standing on my keyboard You are capable of accomplishing all things you set your mind to without standing on my keyboard All things will come to you in time without standing on my keyboard There is wet-food and toy-time in your future without any need to stand on my keyboard Get off my keyboard #me earlier 3,417 notes

(Source: Reddit)


egberts the flat earth society bought a $20,000 super accurate laser gyroscope to prove the earth doesn't rotate 15 degrees per hour and they kept getting results that proved it does so they kept altering the test to try and make it not drift 15 degrees but it didn't work so they just said "well we still don't believe it and we have other stuff that proves it so whatever"

(Source: Reddit)

Seems Suspicious

foxghost Tingler Value: 50 200 00 The whole hand tingles from wearing this ring, as if more blood is rushing through the area. Type: Ring +4 constitution +0.75 health regeneration in combat +15% to healing effects received *squints at suspiciously* I don't think this was made for fingers negativeonetwelfth if you experience a constitution buff lasting more than 4 hours please contact your magical advisor

(Source: Reddit)


420stuck when you shake laminated paper and it does the thing vardaesque fwuuubufbuwbfwubfufbwufbuwbuuuBUWBUBHUFU FBUWBUFBUB louisloveeleanor exactly

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Citation-less Behaviour

fluorescentbrains Follow citationless behavior carlyraejepsans :

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Santa's Reindeer

one-time-i-dreamt I've been a changed person since I found out that all of Santa's reindeer are gals coccineusrosso they're WHAT NOW one-time-i-dreamt gals, theY'RE GALS one-time-i-dreamt Follow male reindeer shed their antlers at the end of mating season (early December), while females keep theirs during the winter and what do Santa's reindeer have? ANTLERS ... : ... ...

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jimmydevs-deactivated20181005 Anonymous asked: what r u taking in uni jimmydevs-deactivated20181005 answered: Mainly the pi vg

(Source: Reddit)

Various Folklore

weaver-z Follow Mar 21 Mar 21.8 months ago I love folklore so much because depending on the location and era it comes from it's either the most terrifying concept or the dumbest thing you've ever heard weaver-z Mar 21 Mexican Folklore: You think this place is a Normal Location? Tch. You fool. Everyone knows this place is the SCARY Location. British Folklore: There's a little Beast in your house... make sure you give it the necessary porridge....... otherwise it might turn to mischief....... German Folklore: For the love of God, do NOT trust hot people and do NOT trust babies and do NOT trust short men and do NOT trust Christmas and do NOT trust sausage and do NOT trust the elderly and US Folklore: This Giant Boy From Texas Is God's Favorite

(Source: Reddit)

The Mom Subscriber

badolmen I love that Twitch does the stream points thing and that so many streamers have like. Basic self care stuff as their lower tier point redemptions. Like f yes I will make my fave stressed artist streamer check their posture and stretch for a full minute. Yes I will make the anxious gamer drink water as many times as I can redeem my points during a stream. badolmen "parasocial relationships aren't healthy-" I am literally watering and exercising my streamer regularly not to mention the diversity of enrichment audio I give them axolotlsauce No I don't see my fav streamer as my best friend, more like a nintendog

(Source: Reddit)

Tumblr Hate Mail

littlegermanboy Follow guys i just got the best anon ever idk if i can post this i want to keep it framed in my inbox forever. littlegermanboy Anonymous Anonymous asked: Your blogging is middling and your special interests are unbecoming and passé. Blocked. i can't choose a favorite part of this it's all so good. taaroko ✪✪ Follow : ⠀ 3 What an honor to be blocked by the Lady Catherine de Bourgh herself!

(Source: Reddit)

The Downfall of Society

thisaintfunnyanymorechief Being a parahuman irl would be an improvement I mean, we already *got* the trauma. Might as well receive the power up that comes with it #parahumans

(Source: Reddit)


coolwali Dream of changing the Microwave Clock to 4:47am I had a dream last night that I was changing the clock on my microwave. I wanted to change the time to 7:47pm. I instead mistyped and changed the clock to 4:47 am. Com 04:47 Cook Time 1 Air Fry 4 294 7 Cancel Se Clock Level Express Cook INY ܪܘ ܐܝ ܕܝ ܪ Combi Time AM 30 Se Cook 2904 6 9 Pause

(Source: Reddit)

What is This

dingdongyouarewrong Seguir one time i was in a pub in london and saw lemonade on the menu and i was like mmmm lemonade!!! but i've been to australia and been tricked before so i was like hey is this actual lemonade lemonade or is it just sprite and she was like it's actual lemonade so i ordered some and she brought it back and it was sprite. i hate england

(Source: Reddit)

Like… Okay

c-53 Follow Oct 26 Oct 26. a month ago I love when I try and interact with a really cute baby and they make it abundantly clear I have killed their energy and they hate my vibe C-53 Oct 26 Baby in the cafe: BBDBBDBBBSSSSS OWL pop::!? Bbbbbbbbbfdft 925 Me: aww is the owl cake pop your favorite? Baby in the cafe:

(Source: Reddit)

Santa School

theblogofeternalstench New skills: Santas brush up on their sign language during a Santa School held recently at Royal City Centre. The Santas return to school each fall to fine-tune their skills for the holidays. kiriamaya omg this makes me so happy.

(Source: Reddit)

Craving Comfort

neednothavehappenedtobetrue Follow can we weaponize comfort already? a lot of places have a culture that valorizes never sleeping and not eating right and not taking breaks and stuff like that. f that. I want like look at how comfortable and well rested I am. I am well-nourished, I take bubble baths, and I have a good work-life balance. self-care has made me strong. has running yourself into the ground made you strong? I will destroy you. and then I will have a pleasant lunch. can we weaponize that? ben-has-feelings Follow This is the most metal self-care post I've seen in a while. feenyxblue Follow The world told me to hate myself; I realized the greatest act of rebellion was to love myself

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